Friday, January 24, 2014

MIS 587 Simplified .. In my head

There are hundred things going over my head when I think of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence (DW/BI). But where to start and how to put it all down, I am still not sure.

Anyway, everything starts and ends with data. Data is growing rapidly every minute. How can we convert this data into useful information and use this data to add value to any business? This is the basic purpose of any kind of data analysis. Role of DW/BI is to extract the historical data, compare it with current data and perform any kind of analysis that will answer critical questions for various businesses.  I am going to try and put some context here. If I am analyzing the accounting data of a firm, it will give me insights into things like,

  •   Is there a way to reduce the expenses of the firm?
  •   If a firm has given away discounts for a week, has it really made a profit for the firm?
  •   If a subscription has been given away for customers, do they really stay after the subscription has expired?

And these are the questions I am trying to answer for my project as well. So I am pretty much surrounded by data and analytics for a while. These kind of questions can be easily answered using data analytics, DW/BI.

Now that I have explained what is “my understanding” of DW/BI, let us get a bit technical. We need the data in a form that is easy to understand and provides fast query performance. This is achieved using a technique called as “Dimensional Modelling”. It is quite different from Relational Database Management Systems in the sense that, RDBMS looks to remove redundancy by normalizing the data whereas dimensional modelling looks at simpler and faster retrieval of data.

One of the ways Dimensional Models are implemented is using Star Schema. Quite honestly, I used to think star schema is the most complex thing in the world. But once I understood what it was, it changed my perception of BI to being slightly simpler than I thought. Though it is way too early to pass this judgment. Star schema is all about facts and dimensions.

I am going to keep the discussion of grains, facts and dimensions for the next time. 

 The Data Warehouse Toolkit - Third Edition, Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross